Rubberstampaholic Gallery
Announcements | Border Builders | Bug Builders | Delightful Doodles | Fall Fun | Fantastic Foliage | Ferns DD | Grapes DD | Halloween Hedgehogs | Hearts & Posies | Holiday Wishes | Inspirationals | Lace Snowflakes | Liberty for All | Lovely As A Tree | Mini Mates | Peace on Earth | Polar Bears | Sketch an Event | Sketch It | Steppin' Style | Tropical Blossoms | Watercolor Gardens | Wonderful Wings

This Site is For....Anyone who is interested in rubber stamping and would like to gain ideas on how to use their own rubber stamps. I hope you enjoy it!

My Background...I've been interested in rubber stamping and paper crafts all my life. I hope that my experience will give you inspiration to create wonderful projects for you, your family, and your friends. Also included are many samples from other stampers who have shared their work with me.

Hand-stamped samples shown were created using Stampin' Up! rubber stamps, products and accessories. For more information on Stampin' Up! products, click the link below.


Created by Cris McCarthy